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Search for suppliers in Europe, Asia, and the USA

Do you want to import from China to the USA but you still don't have a supplier(s) in China?

We have an office and staff in China who can help you search for suppliers of the product(s) you are looking for.

By negotiating with suppliers directly in China, our staff can get you the best prices and quality on the market. We always look for direct manufacturers who have time in the market, to ensure that our clients buy in China with the best suppliers.

All the suppliers that we propose in the search report must pass a verification process through which we ensure that they are reliable and verified suppliers.

By contracting this service you will receive a report with the best 5 or 6 suppliers that have been found and the information, catalog and/or price list of each of them.

What does the supplier search report in China include?

– 5 to 6 Suppliers: A report is delivered with the best 5 or 6 suppliers of the product(s) you want to buy in China (best quality/price).

– Contact information for each supplier: Company name, address, telephone number, website and even the name of the seller who can assist you directly in English and their email (in case you wish to contact them).

– Detailed information about each supplier: Valuation by our staff in China for each proposed supplier and quality comparison between each supplier.

– Documentation of each supplier: We review the documentation of all suppliers and verify that it is real and legally registered in China.

– Products and Prices: A list of negotiated prices and/or catalog of each supplier is sent that includes information, specifications and photos of the products they offer.

How many products can they search with this service?

We can search for suppliers in China for all the products you are interested in. However, the service is charged per product or category of products to be searched and quoted. As long as they are products that the same supplier/manufacturer can handle, then they are handled in the same category. If they are different products, then a service must be contracted for each product/category. We offer discounts on search services when the service is contracted for 3 or more products/categories.


Our staff in China will obtain prices from manufacturers and not from intermediaries so that the price of the product is the lowest possible. In addition, you can make your payment to this Chinese company with complete confidence and without fear that it is a fraud since all the suppliers that we propose in reports have been personally contacted and verified by our staff in China.

Bestway Group

14311 SW 142 Nd ST Miami florida 33186, U.S.A.

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